So, I'm pretty new to this stuff but I will try...
Right now I'm working two jobs but trying to weld when I have time. My welds still look like garbage but I think I am getting better, I'm finally penetrating well enough into my metal, the welds just look ugly.
Here is my first project, this is supposed to be a plant holder, right now it still needs to be ground down on the base and it needs to be painted. I'm a little disappointed with it, I feel like I can do better, It's not straight and I think I would like to try better metal for the rings. I have been planning it out a bit in my head and as soon as I get some money I'll try again, one problem I am having with welding is scrap metal isn't cheap, I have been buying from Lowes and Home Depot and I have been paying about $4 for every 3' piece I buy, I've heard that I can go to places like Wasatch Metal and they are a bit cheaper.